Retire United meets every other month to help retirees stay up-to-date on current community issues while discovering volunteer opportunities and connecting with others.
October 2, we will have a panel of non-profit organizations sharing information about programs helping youth across Lane County including volunteer opportunities. The panel discussions will be from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, followed by lunch until 1:00 pm (generously paid for by our annual sponsors) for those who are able to stay for this social time.
This program is open to anyone who has retired or is retiring soon, and is free of charge. Space is limited, so please RSVP early.
Can’t join us on October 2, but interested in Retire United? Click here to download the Retire United brochure, and mark your calendars for the first Wednesday of every other month. Our next event will be focused on housing initiatives on December 4.
To be added to our Retire United email list or for more information, please contact Debra Weinman, Volunteer Engagement Manager, at or 541.741.6000 x159